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Apple, Emotional Appeal for “Misunderstood”

August 18, 2014

It is no secret that Apple has a reputation for having some of the best advertisements around the world. With unique products that consumers lust for, the brand knows how to sell them to people better than any other. Over the past three decades, Apple has produced incredible advertisements, utilizing celebrities, musicians, athletes and everyday iPhone owners to make some of the best of the time. In December 2013, Apple released the “Misunderstood” campaign. The advertisement tells a heartfelt story of a seemingly withdrawn teenager who spends time over Christmas creating a video mash up for his family before the brand is revealed at the end.

The ongoing campaign goes beyond the product to tell a story of how changing technology affects the daily lives of users. “Misunderstood” tugs at the heartstrings of viewers, bringing the commercial full circle when the family gathers in hugs and love at the end of the spot. Bringing tears to the eyes of viewers, the advertisement proves to consumers that Apple technology and teenagers are family-friendly. The Christmas-themed iPhone commercial landed Apple an Emmy for “Most Outstanding Commercial of the Year.”

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