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Burger King, Where You Can "Have It Your Way"

May 18, 1968

Founded in 1953, international fast-food chain Burger King has tried its hand in numerous advertising campaigns to stay on top of the market. During the 1970s, the brand’s advertisements included memorable jingles, its current mascot, the Burger King, and several well-known slogans, including Have It Your Way and It Takes Two Hands to Hold a Whopper.

In 1968, BBDO, a worldwide advertising agency headquartered in New York, signed as Burger King agency for the next several years. The 1974 series of television commercials in which Burger King employees sang “Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don’t upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way!” were aimed to contrast Burger King’s flexibility with McDonald’s famous rigidity. As an instant success, this television spot has continued to air since.

It is now that after 40 years the Have It Your Way slogan is being scrapped for a more personal, Be Your Way. According to Burger King’s senior vice president of global management, the Have It Your Way focused only on the ability to customize a burger, where as Be Your Way is about making a connection with a person’s lifestyle.

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